Faculty Member
Dr. Vickie Cook
Members: $459.00
Non-Members: $599.00
What are the processes for identifying opportunities, developing evidence, determining goals, defining key milestones, establishing accountability, and measuring outcomes? How do you engage others in these processes? This course explores how strategy combines analysis and action. Learning, planning, implementing, and reassessing permeate all levels of professional, continuing, and online education -- more so than perhaps any other area of higher education.
Topics Covered
- Approaches to planning and innovation
- The impact of shared governance on decision-making
- Moving strategically toward the future
- The impact of data on decision-making
- Evaluating Success
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the impact of strategy, leadership, and implementation on an institution.
- Develop strategies that reflect effective approaches to internal and external constituents in the approach of a problem or innovation.
- Develop strategies for maintaining the role of being a learner in strategy for the future.
- Develop strategies to work evaluate strategies related to change and innovation.
Who should take this course?
This four week course is designed for both the new PCO professional as well as those who have significant experience (3-5 years and beyond) who want to learn more about strategic planning, innovation and decision-making. Over this four week course, participants will outline a problem they are facing and develop a change template that they can immediately apply to the challenges they are facing day to day.
Format and Schedule
This is a four week course consisting of about five hours of weekly course work made up of readings, asynchronous activities, and a weekly one hour live class meeting via Zoom. The schedule for the weekly meetings will be:
- Tuesday May 31 at 4:00 ET: Introduction and Course Overview
- Tuesday June 7 at 4:00 ET: Week 1 Discussion
- Tuesday June 14 at 4:00 ET: Week 2 Discussion
- Tuesday June 21 at 4:00 ET: Week 3 Discussion
- Tuesday June 28 at 4:00 ET: Week 4 Discussion and Course Wrap-Up
Vickie Cook
Associate Vice Chancellor, Online, Professional, and Engaged Learning
University of Illinois Springfield
Vickie Cook, Ph.D., is Vice Chancellor for Enrollment and Retention Management the University of Illinois Springfield. Previously, Cook served as Associate Vice President of Innovation and Technology, and Dean of the School of Education and Director of Online Learning at Greenville University. Cook has published more than 40 journal articles and book chapters in a variety of national educational publications, and serves as a peer reviewer for six of the top journals in the field of Online Learning and Education. She holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration and an M.A. in Adult Education from Capella University, and completed her B.A. at Western Illinois University.
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Kelly Otter
Dean of the School of Continuing Studies
Georgetown University
Kelly Otter is Dean of Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies (SCS). In this role, she oversees the development and delivery of graduate professional programs; liberal studies programs at the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels; professional certificate programs and custom education; and summer and special programs.
She leads a team of strategic leaders whose disciplines include academic and faculty affairs, program and curriculum development, assessment and compliance, enrollment management, marketing, digital strategy, operations, and finance and administration. The School comprises approximately 180 staff and faculty, enrolls 3000 degree-seeking students and 7000 non-degree-seeking students. Dr. Otter leads the school’s partnership and program development initiatives internationally, primarily in the Middle East, Latin America, India and Southeast Asia.
Dr. Otter’s professional portfolio comprises organization design, curriculum development, the design and management of technology-mediated education infrastructures and programs, international education and partnerships, adult and workforce education, and veterans support services.
Before coming to Georgetown in 2014, she served in academic dean roles at Northeastern University, the University of Pittsburgh, and the College of New Rochelle, and previously held positions in academic administration at New York University. She also taught at each of these institutions in the fields of media studies and interdisciplinary research.
She holds a Ph.D. from New York University in Arts & Humanities Education, an MA from Wayne State University, and her BA from the University of Michigan.
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See what past participants have said about this course
"This course is an exceptional resource for developing the skills you need to plan and implement a project or initiative within your organization. The step-by-step process and feedback are motivating and will help you develop a template and process to use at any point in your PCOE journey."
-Allison Shaw, Research Analyst Sacramento State University
"The class delivers completely on its objectives."
"Vickie's feedback was insightful, engaging, and challenging. She has an incredible personality and I loved learning from her and hearing how she engaged everyone in live sessions and in course feedback. An exception leader in PCO and a wonderful instructor for this course."
"I truly enjoyed this course as well as the assistance and confidence it provided me in creating the policy and procedure manual for my department."
"I would highly recommend this course to ALL campus leaders, even if not necessarily engaged with PCO education."
"The readings and activities were excellent and extremely relevant to the work I am doing."
"Dr. Cook was great. She made sure every voice was heard and kept the discussion lively."
"Vickie was great and I learned a lot from her. I would love to take a leadership course from her. I appreciated how she was able to engage us during our live session."
"Vickie was super - very knowledgeable, very responsive to questions, provided clear and useful feedback on assignments, and did a good job facilitating the live sessions."





Getting Started (for first-time participants)
Overview of course navigation, technology, and support.
Course Description & Expectations
Click here to read the description
Click here to read the description
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Assignment Due Dates and Schedule
Agree to terms to continue.
Agree to terms to continue.
Click here to read the Objectives
Click here to read the Objectives
Live Video Class Meeting: Welcome, Introductions, and Course Overview - Tuesday 05/31/2022 at 4:00-5:00 PM (Eastern)
05/31/2022 at 4:00 PM (EDT) | Recorded On: 06/01/2022
05/31/2022 at 4:00 PM (EDT) | Recorded On: 06/01/2022
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Meeting ID: 895 4060 6634
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Instructor Contact & Course Support
Click here to read the Instructor Contact info
Click here to read the Instructor Contact info
Week 1: Overview
Click here to read the weekly overview
Click here to read the weekly overview
Week 1: Video
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Week 1: Script for Video
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Week 1: Micro-lecture
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Week 1 Discussion: Introduction, Institution, & Role
Week 1 Discussion: Five Discovery Skills
Week 1 Activity: Problem or Innovation Statement (Due 06/06/2022)
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail
Begin working on the Change/Innovation Project by finding a problem or innovation to be implemented identified.
Week 1 - Video Conference Meeting - Tuesday 06/07/2022, 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Eastern)
06/07/2022 at 4:00 PM (EDT) | Recorded On: 06/10/2022
06/07/2022 at 4:00 PM (EDT) | Recorded On: 06/10/2022
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 895 4060 6634
Find your local number: https://upcea.zoom.us/u/kdyCELyMTC
Week 2: Brief Literature Review
Week 2: Overview
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Week 2: Video
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Please view the the media content for this week.
Week 2: Script for Video
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Open to download resource.
Week 2: Micro-lecture
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Case Study: Innovations in Academe Part 1
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Open to download resource.
Week 2 Discussion: Comparing the approach of Dean Aron
Week 2 Discussion: Hallmarks of Excellence in Online Leadership
Week 2 Activity: Brief Literature Review (Due 06/13/2022)
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail
Begin working on the Brief Literature Review by identifying literature that should be included to define the problem or innovation more fully.
Week 2 - Video Conference Meeting - Tuesday 06/14/2022, 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Eastern)
06/14/2022 at 4:00 PM (EDT) | Recorded On: 06/17/2022
06/14/2022 at 4:00 PM (EDT) | Recorded On: 06/17/2022
Join the class for a live video-conferencing session. Participants are advised to access the session 5 to 10 minutes prior to the start time to ensure their technology is configured and working properly.
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 895 4060 6634
Find your local number: https://upcea.zoom.us/u/kdyCELyMTC
Week 3: Data Collection Results
Week 3: Overview
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Week 3: Video
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Please view the the media content for this week.
Week 3: Script for Video
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Open to download resource.
Week 3: Micro-lecture
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Case Study: Innovations in Academe Part 2
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Open to download resource.
Week 3 Discussion: The 4th Industrial Revolution
Week 3 Discussion: Case Study Response
Week 3 Activity: Data Collection Results (Due 06/20/2022)
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail
Begin Working on your data collection strategy and Methodology.
Week 3 - Video Conference Meeting - Tuesday 06/21/2022, 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Eastern)
06/21/2022 at 4:00 PM (EDT) | Recorded On: 06/30/2022
06/21/2022 at 4:00 PM (EDT) | Recorded On: 06/30/2022
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 895 4060 6634
Find your local number: https://upcea.zoom.us/u/kdyCELyMTC
Week 4: Overview
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Week 4: Video
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Please view the the media content for this week.
Week 4: Script for Video
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Open to download resource.
Week 4: Micro-lecture
View Lecture Content
Case Study: Innovations in Academe Part 3
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Open to download resource.
Week 4 Discussion: Evaluating Success
Week 4 Discussion: Developing a Change Template
Week 4 Activity: Evaluation
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail
Begin finalizing your Change/Innovation Project template.
Week 4 Discussion: Peer Response
Week 4 - Video Conference Meeting - Wednesday 06/28/2022, 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Eastern)
06/28/2022 at 4:00 PM (EDT) | Recorded On: 06/30/2022
06/28/2022 at 4:00 PM (EDT) | Recorded On: 06/30/2022
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 895 4060 6634
Find your local number: https://upcea.zoom.us/u/kdyCELyMTC